Photon Body Contouring
Non-Invasive FAT Loss Therapy
using Patented Photon Red Light

UltraSLIM is a CLINICALLY PROVEN, NON-INVASIVE, powerful FAT-loss device using a one-of-a-kind PHOTON Red Light Therapy for effective FAT loss and body countouring… without the help of dieting or exercise!! UltraSLIM offers IMMEDIATE RESULTS with no downtime and absolutely no pain or possible side effects. You will lose a MINIMUM of two inches of body fat per session, with an average weight loss of 3.5 combined inches per session!!
As an added benefit, it is FDA approved and shown to produce collagen and elastin in the treated areas to improve and minimalize the appearance of stretch marks and to tighten and smooth the skin!
The UltraSLIM technology can also be used for NON-SURGICAL BREAST REDUCTION, losing one full cup size per treatment while tightening and lifting the breast tissue. Clients lose an average of 3.5” (54.1 fl oz) per session of pure fat and some clients have lost over 10” in a SINGLE TREATMENT. That is over a GALLON of fat in 32 minutes versus an average of 1.3 oz over an 8 week period with products like Cool Sculpting.
Dr. Mindi and her staff will be happy to go over session options with you to see what best fits your needs and goals. UltraSLIM multi-session packages include 3D imaging before-and-after super-imposed photos to showcase your amazing results!!
UltraSLIM is also FDA approved to reduce chronic inflammation and pain that would traditionally be treated with harmful and addictive opiods.