Magnesphere is a full-body, IMMERSIVE therapy using magnetic coils and very precise, low-level BENEFICIAL electromagnetic fields to reset, rebalance and renew the Autonomic Nervous System! Magnesphere induces deep feelings of grouding and relaxation while reducing stress and inflammation throughout your body allowing your body’s innate healing abilities to ignite and take over for true and lasting healing.
Magnesphere improves joint and muscle pain, helps lower blood pressure, improves symptoms of tingling and numbness, beneficial to irregular heart rythms, increases endurances and improves sleep, reduces stress and brain fog, improves symptoms of neurological disorders, significantly reduces anxiety and is an excellent adjunct therapy for those diagnosed with cancer.
Magnesphere healing sessions can be scheduled in 30 minute or 1 hour sessions!
Humans aren’t the only ones that benefit from Magnetic Resonance Therapy! The Pure Health Collective loves our furry friends, and they get the same AMAZING healing, regenerative and relaxation effects that we do from a magnesphere session!
Check out our PHC PETS section to see the other fantastic pet related services and therapies we offer!