SAAT stands for Soliman Auricular Accupuncture Technique. Dr. Mindi traveled to Washington DC to train directly under Dr. Soliman who developed this life changing technique over 25 years ago!
SAAT uses tiny accupuncture needles placed in specific allergy points in the ear to permanently resolve food, chemical and environmental allergies, auto immune disorders and ALPHAGAL.
These tiny needles are about the size of a human hair and are placed just under the skin in the ear. Depending on what is being treated, they are covered and remain painlessly in the ear for 3-4 weeks and are removed at home.
This technique has been clinically shown to reverse MAST CELL ACTIVATION SYNDROME and its autoimmune effects . There are also needle placements for Rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Lupus, Eosinophilic Esphogitis, Barrett’s Esophagus and even for CELIAC DISEASE!!
Celiac Disease, AlphaGal, and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome all require homeopathic use in addition to needle placement to reset the chemical reactions in the body and to remove autoimmune antibodies for the best results.
Dr. Mindi has seen incredible results in her clients, herself and her own family and is SO EXCITED to offer this life changing technique to her clients!!
*AGES 4 AND UP, unless child can hold perfectly still*
Many clients are using OUR FINANCING OPTION to treat the entire family! Click the link below if interested in applying!